NYAPRS Note: In 1971 Dr. Loren Mosher of the National Institute for Mental Health opened the first “Soteria House” in Santa Clara, California. “Soteria is well known for its non-medical approach, providing first experiencers of acute psychosis a “safe haven” during such difficult extreme states. This non-medical approach includes a comfortable and home-like residence, layperson staffing, and involvement in everyday life relationships and activities as opposed to the artificial situation of a psychiatric ward” writes Micah Ingle (https://www.madinamerica.com/2019/09/soteria-house-heal/).
Further, “Soteria represents an alternative approach to the treatment of acute psychosis providing a community-based social milieu, personal relationships (“being-with”), and meaningful shared activities (“doing-with”) along with minimal neuroleptic medication,” write Dr. Daniel Nischk and Dr. Johannes Rusch (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31390648/).
Don’t miss a very rare opportunity to learn about the experience of a Soteria House in Alaska from its founding director Susan Musante, who is well known for her former peer bridger work in New Mexico and as a rehabilitation leader in New York in the 2000’s.
“Being With” – Stories from Soteria-Alaska
Sunday, May 23, 10a.m.-12p.m.,
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
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