NYAPRS Note: NYAPRS is very pleased to announce that our nation’s new Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon will be our kick off keynote presenter at this year’s NYAPRS Virtual Conference, to be held on September 21, 23, 28 and 30. She will be joined by fellow keynoters NYS Senate Mental Health Committee Chair Samra Brouk and Helen ‘Skip’ Skipper of the New York City Criminal Justice Agency. Other featured speakers also include
Mary Ellen Copeland, whose development of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan changed the face of wellness and mental health supports across the world,
Tim Black a lead for CAHOOTs (Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets), one of the nation’s most replicated mental health alternatives to police first responder program that originated in Eugene, Oregon and
Kelly Davis, a rising national leaders on youth advocacy and peer services in her role as Associate Vice President of Peer and Youth Advocacy at Mental Health America
We’ll be able to share the final program and registration details in the coming days!