NYAPRS Note: A movement has been growing across our nation over the past few years to create an historic moment in time when our mental health community (consumers, family members, providers et al) is joined by a broad array of public supporters across all sectors to come together to press for the dignity and rights of all Americans with mental health conditions or diagnoses.
Just 2 weeks from today, the Destination Dignity 2015 March in Washington represents the critically important first small step towards the day when tens of thousands of Americans across all sectors of our society will forge a historic coalition and march aimed at addressing long standing injustices…the unacceptable discrimination, defamation and criminalization that people with mental health conditions have faced for hundreds of years and that only continues to confront us more each day.
It’s time to say ‘Enough’! Just in New York State over the past few weeks, New York City tabloids continue to get away with appalling depictions of our community members while groups must go to court in Albany and Ogdensburg to counter community opposition to the siting of community support and housing programs that serve people with mental health and other related conditions.
It’s time to take Action! NYAPRS and several of our member agencies like Community Access and the Institute for Community Living have come together to fund a bus from New York City to support those who wish to join us and individuals from across the nation. Seats are already filling up so please contact NYC organizer Carla Rabinowitz today at crabinowitz@communityaccess.org to get on the bus!
Help Others to Join us! NYAPRS urges our state and local community mental health agencies, organizations and advocates to help support others to attend: please contact me at harveyr@nyaprs.org with subject line “It’s Time for Dignity” with offers to help organize and/or fund other buses, vans or the like.
Please take action today to arrange to march with me and hundreds of others in Washington on August 24th: Let’s make history together one step at a time!
The March for Dignity and Change in Mental Health
Monday August 24, 2015
National Mall, Washington, DC
The moment has come to stand up for the dignity and rights of Americans affected by mental health conditions! At the Destination Dignity march, we will step forward, along with our supporters, to demand change for the health of our nation.
Buses leaving from NYC on Monday Aug 24, 2015
14th Street and Union Square East
Time: 6:30 am
Cost: Bus is free and riders will get $10 for dinner
Reservations needed: Call Carla Rabinowitz
212-780-1400 x7726 or email
Together with our supporters WE DEMAND DIGNITY. WE DEMAND CHANGE.
We call for a new era in which everyone faced with mental health challenges is supported to get the right kind of help when needed, and is valued in their communities nationwide.
The Dignity Mental Health Coalition includes: Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery; Mental Health America; the Center for Dignity, Recovery and Empowerment; New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services; the Campbell Center; Active Minds; MHA Maryland; the National Council for Behavioral Health, the Carson J. Spencer Foundation; the American Association of Suicidology; the Entertainment Industries Council; Recovery Innovations; the National Empowerment Center; the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse; National Mental Health & Dignity Day; the National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors and many others.
Join us now and make change forever!