NYAPRS Note: NYC First Lady Chirlane McCray is convening a Mental Health Workforce Summit this morning at City University to “to develop specific plans for expanding, diversifying and strengthening a range of disciplines involved in providing mental health services in order to better meet the mental health needs of the people of New York City.” NYAPRS has been invited to participate and I’ll have on this tomorrow.
Summit participants will hear from featured keynote panelists and guest speakers to explore city and state perspectives on issues and opportunities facing the mental health workforce. Participants will then engage in one of four working group sessions:
- Diversify and Expand the Mental Health Workforce in New York City
- Enhance Existing Mental Health Training Programs
- Create Better Pipelines and Career Ladders for Peers and Community Health Workers and
- Develop Metrics for Improving the Mental Health Workforce in New York City.
The summit will conclude by summarizing work group recommendations and identifying next steps of action, with all participants invited to a follow-up meeting in Fall 2016 where they can consider necessary steps we can to take to implement the recommendations.
See materials at http://newyorkcitymentalhealthworkforcesummit.com/summit-materials/#summitmaterials