Alliance Note: Join us tonight for this month’s Judi’s Room conversation on the need to reduce police involvement in mental health, substance use, and other health emergency responses. Panelists will discuss the negative effects of our nation’s overreliance on police as first responders for these types of emergencies, explore more effective response systems which do not use police, and offer avenues to get these incredibly needed programs in your communities. Tonight’s virtual panel, which starts at 6pm EST, will include Chacku Mathai, Earl Miller, Sakeena Trice, and myself. See below for more information.
You’re invited to join us for Judi’s Room in September.

Event Details
• Topic: When calling for help gets you killed — part two
• Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2024
• Time: 3 PM Pacific | 4 PM Mountain | 5 PM Central | 6 PM Eastern & Atlantic | 6 AM Eastern Australia | 7 PM Brazil | 11 PM UK
• Platform: Zoom
• Link:
About the Conversation
This past May, Judi’s Room addressed the increasing incidents of law enforcement’s response to welfare checks on people with disabilities or mental health diagnoses that have ended with them being killed by police.
September’s Judi’s Room will continue the conversation while exploring the intersections of disability, mental health diagnoses, race, legal response, and alternative responses that minimize or eliminate calls ending in people being killed or physically harmed by police.
We are very excited to welcome a panel lead by Luke Sikinyi, Director of Public Policy and Public Engagement for the Alliance for Rights and Recovery (formerly NYAPRS). The Alliance has a long history of advocacy focusing on decriminalizing mental illness, promoting full choice, and identifying policy strategies that are transformative. Luke will be joined by panel members who are advocacy and policy leaders as well as public interest legal experts and have been involved in the promotion of Daniel’s Law that offers an alternative mental health response to mental health crises.
Please stay tuned for additional information.
About Judi’s Room
Named after celebrated human rights activist Judi Chamberlin, Judi’s Room is a free event presented jointly by MindFreedom International (MFI) and I Love You, Lead On to facilitate opportunities for ongoing cross-disability dialogue. It typically begins with a presentation by one or more expert panelists followed by an open public discussion.
If you require accommodation for this event such as sign language interpretation, please email at least three business days prior to the date of the presentation.
If you would like to support Judi’s Room, please consider donating to MFI and I Love You, Lead On.
If you are not yet subscribed to our mailing list for Judi’s Room and would like to sign up to receive invitations to these events in the future, please send an email to with “Add me to Judi’s Room” in the subject heading.
A recording of this event will later be posted on MFI’s official YouTube channel.
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541-345-9106 | 1-877-MAD-PRID[e]
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MindFreedom International
454 Willamette, Suite 216
Eugene, OR 97401-2643
United States
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MindFreedom International
P.O. Box 11284
Eugene, OR 97440
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