Alliance Alert: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Office of Recovery will hold another webinar on Psychiatric Advance Directives this Friday, September 20th, from 1-2:30pm. This is a continuation of the previous PAD webinar held in June. Having a Psychiatric Advance Directive (PAD) can quickly facilitate you getting the exact care you want during a moment of crisis or when you are hospitalized. A PAD is a document created when you are doing well which signals and directs your doctors and other treatment team members to use the services and supports which help you recover during an emergency or crisis, as well as prevent the use of those you do not want or have been harmful in the past. This webinar will discuss common details of PADs, how to complete one, as well as how peers and advocates can increase the availability and usage of the tool. See below for more information, including a link to register for the event.

SAMHSA’s Office of Recovery is very pleased to offer a follow-up session to our June 28 webinar on Psychiatric Advance Directives. With this second session, we will spend 90-minutes building on what we covered in the initial offering, diving deeper into the topics you requested in your feedback: legal questions related to PADs, the details of what to do with your PAD once complete, and discussion on organizing community-based trainings on completing PADs.
- Rayshell Chambers, MPA, Painted Brain
- Harvey Rosenthal, CEO, The Alliance for Rights and Recovery
- Kiran Sahota, Concepts Forward Consulting
- Marjorie T. Scher, Esq, Epstein Becker & Green PC
- Luke Sikinyi, Director, Public Policy and Public Engagement, The Alliance for Rights and Recovery
- Marvin Swartz, MD, Professor and Head, Division of Social and Community Psychiatry, Duke University School of Medicine
- Ryan Tempesco, Program Manager, Doors to Wellbeing
- Kaely Whittington, CPRS Training Coordinator, On Our Own Maryland
If you would like to request accommodations to participate in this event, please contact us by September 10 at
For a reminder of what we covered in the first webinar please review the recording: Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs) to Promote Community Living (1 hour, 2 minutes).
Thank you,
Julie Erickson
Public Health Advisor
SAMHSA Office of Recovery