NYAPRS Note: We’re only 2 more weeks out from this year’s Annual NYAPRS Conference, entitled “United in Hope, Together for Justice and Wellness for All” to be held during September 21 23, 28 and 30! This year’s program will include most of the features for which our conference has long gained national acclaim including:
Extraordinary keynote speakers including the new US Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use and SAMHSA Administrator Dr. Miriam Delphin-Rittmon, NYS Senate Mental health Committee chair Samra Brouk and Helen Skipper of the NYC Criminal Justice Agency!
Nationally acclaimed thought leaders Mary Ellen Copeland, David Covington, Kelly Davis, Keris Myrick, Mike Hogan, Tim Black, Dana Foglesong and Vesper Moore!
Expert presentations and panels on many of the day’s most important issues including advance in crisis response, criminal justice reforms, peer service innovations and supervision, racial equity and justice, cultural celebration and competence, healing from trauma and grief, community inclusion, gender diversity and youth perspectives.
New York State Priorities and Perspectives: The program will also feature an opportunity to talk directly with OMH Commissioner Ann Sullivan and to hear from an OMH leadership team on upcoming changes in service array and funding, supported in part by new COVID relief dollars.
Cultural Celebration: Our annual Diversity and Fashion show and a special presentation celebrating the 20th anniversary of our pioneering Cultural Competence Committee!
A very strong Arts, Healing and Entertainment track featuring a special 3 part Artists for Change series organized by Gayle Bluebird and Deborah Trueheart; Meditation, Yoga and Zumba sessions, more Open Mic with the extraordinary Michael Skinner and the return of the live ‘Stand Up for Mental Health’ comedy show organized by the one and only David Granirer!
Registration is completely free; CEUs will be available: more details on that next week.
Register Now at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/united-in-hope-together-for-justice-and-wellness-for-all-tickets-163080673685
Questions? Contact Eileen at eileenc@nyaprs.org.