NYAPRS Note: NYAPRS is partnering with Community Access and the College for Behavioral Health Leadership to host a very timely webinar tomorrow, June 9th from 1:00-2:30 pm that will look at one of the nation’s first evidence-based alternative to acute hospitalization for people experiencing psychiatric crises, Soteria Houses (https://tinyurl.com/m9asus5j). This event will bring together pioneers in the development and current operation of Soteria Houses in the US and Israel (see below for details).
This event is especially timely, as it directly follows the publishing of the New York Times blockbuster piece “Doctors Gave Her Antipsychotics. She Decided to Live With Her Voices” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/17/magazine/antipsychotic-medications-mental-health.html that was authored by Daniel Bergner, a member of our panel.
Reminder: this webinar will take place on tomorrow June 9th, from 1-2:30 pm EST.
See below for details and register here or https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0b9_sSwQQ8ecqyTX1Pc6lQ today!