Since 1981, the Alliance for Rights and Recovery has sought to offer a “big tent” under which New Yorkers with mental health, substance use and trauma related conditions, recovery-centered community mental health agencies, and practitioners and likeminded advocates, individuals and organizations join together to share a common fundamental belief in the capacity for recovery, healing, independence and community integration for every individual with a psychiatric disability, diagnosis or label.
Through our individual and organizational memberships, our allies, and the many coalitions we form or support, we help organize and support tens of thousands of New Yorkers who are dedicated to promoting recovery, rehabilitation and peer supported services and rights in New York State and nationally.
Membership in the Alliance for Rights and Recovery grants you access to numerous resources, organizations, and networking opportunities. Joining our community of recovery-oriented mental health advocates ensures that you’ll be able to provide the highest quality of care and support possible by having access to the latest information. We also provide trainings, technical assistance, and leadership seminars.
We offer membership to both organizations and individuals. Whoever you are, if you believe in the right to recovery for all and want to help end mental health stigmas, we have a membership option that will maximize your efforts and help you achieve the greatest impact possible.
Individual membership: Rates for all individuals are $50 annually.
Associate Organizational membership: Rates for organizations not funded by the NYS Office of Mental Health are $2,000 annually.
Organizational membership: Rates are based on the total portion of your agency’s annual budget of all services you provide, as indicated below:

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Please join us today and be a part of our coalition and movement!