July 21, 2014 – A Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law webinar titled “Olmstead Integration – Utilizing Core Services” will be offered Wednesday, July 30, 2014 at 2:30pm (EST
The webinar will discuss how mental health systems can achieve compliance with the legal requirements of Olmstead and what core services help create a system where individuals with serious mental illnesses live full and independent lives.
First, Alison Barkoff, a national expert on disability law and policy, will discuss the current Olmstead legal landscape, including recent developments with regards to employment services in Rhode Island. She will take a big picture look at how certain mental health services can help states comply with the ADA and Olmstead and how a system can incorporate all of these services in a cost-effective manner, including discussion of how states can use a 1915(i) option to cover these services.
Then the webinar will provide an overview of services that promote successful community integration, beginning with Thava Mahadevan of the UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health discussing Assertive Community Treatment. Sam Tsemberis of Pathways to Housing will discuss supported housing; Steve Reeder of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will discuss supported employment; and Harvey Rosenthal (NY Association for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services) will discuss peer supports.
This webinar is sponsored by the National Association of Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) as part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Technical Assistance Coalition.
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