TC Releases ‘Conversations About Intimacy and Sexuality’ Toolkit
by troyweb
New Document! Conversations About Intimacy and Sexuality
The Temple Collaborative announces the availability of a toolkit to assist direct service personnel in talking about intimacy andsexuality in a helpful and productive fashion, a topic that has been an uncomfortable one for both staff and consumers despite its importance to healthy functioning in community settings.
Forming intimate relationships and expressing sexuality can be challenging for anyone, includingpeople with mental health conditions. This toolkit contains information related to preparing direct service personnel for discussions on topics of intimacy and sexuality with persons with mental health conditions. Informed by the Motivational Interviewing technique, this toolkit includes experiential exercises with instructions, evaluation forms, hyperlinks to resources, and references to be used by trainers.
The document can be used by individual direct service staff, or can serve as a guide for inservice training in this important emerging arena.
In addition, check out this link for an inforgraphic on information provided in the toolkit.
The Temple University Collaborative is supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living,National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research(NIDILRR), and Temple University. The content of this special announcement does not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
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