Thanks to funding support from the Office of Mental Health and the guidance from OMH, OASAS and DOH, NYAPRS and our partners at the Mental Health Empowerment Project and Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Providers of NYS have been conducting peer-to-peer forums across the state to educate and encourage eligible Medicaid enrollees to enroll in specialized Medicaid Managed Care plans called HARPs, Health Home coordinating entities and recovery-focused Home and Community Based Services.
The forums also provide encouragement for all attendees to raise the bar for what they feel is possible for their health and their lives and to knowledgeably take advantage of new system and services advances to pursue those goals.
Please take a look at the attached flyers and contact us at to schedule forums in your area and at your programs. Thank you!
Harvey Rosenthal and Len Statham, NYAPRS