NYAPRS Note: The following comes from Peter Stastny, who is associated with the Institute for the Development of Human Arts. IDHA brings together “mental health workers, clinicians, psychiatrists, current and prior users of mental health services, advocates, artists, and survivors of trauma and adversity, who are interested in exploring the link between personal and societal transformation.”
Dear friends and colleagues,
We are thrilled to announce a new training series titled “EXPERIENCE TRANSFORMS PRACTICE” which IDHA will be offering throughout the Fall and Spring. Like last year’s training series, this new training offers advanced continuing education opportunities to learn from a number of experts-by-experience and mental health professionals who have each made unique advances in rewriting alternative mental health narratives and practices.
Nowhere else in the NY metropolitan area are experts providing education on truly transformative models that have the capacity to shift the way mental health care is practiced. This course is aimed at front-line mental health workers, peer specialists, social workers, psychiatrists and psychologists, who are interested in learning about a new mental health paradigm that goes beyond recovery and clinical support – Experience, Inclusion, Human-Rights, Transformation!
At this point we are offering advanced subscription rates to agencies (and individuals) who want to sign up early and thereby enable others to attend the course, who may not be able to afford tuition. As an agency, you can reserve spots for your staff members at $ 600 for the entire 7-week series (a total of 42 hours of training with C.E. eligibility). It is not required that spots must be filled by the same individuals each time. Each Saturday session is $ 150 dollars full fee for the day. Class size is limited to 35 people. Attached is a flyer for you to disseminate to any interested parties.
More info can be found at: IDHA-NYC.org/experience-transforms-practice
We hope that you’ll join us for this incredible opportunity. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Peter Stastny, Jazmine Russel, Jessie Roth and Sascha Altman du Brul