NYAPRS Note: NYAPRS is kicking off a series of regional forums over the next few months with a January 16 Putnam/Westchester Regional Forum in Carmel that will provide advocacy training, seek local input and prepare for our February 26th Annual Albany Legislative Day.
This year, we’ve added an additional hour long program that takes a deeper look at several new models that are being advanced by local NYAPRS member agencies and NYAPRS itself.
Bryan Cranna from Independent Living will offer a look at their self-directed care pilot that is helping eligible individuals to purchase the goods and services they need to advance their recovery and community life.
Raquelle Bender from the MHA of Westchester will be presenting on their Project INSET pilot that is engaging and supporting adults with extensive mental health challenges who live in the Hudson Valley and may be likely referrals for mandated services.
And I’ll be discussing a Health Home Peer Bridger approach appears to be included in a number of NYS Behavioral Heath HCBS Infrastructure funding proposals.
Registration will be capped at 50 so register today at acarroll@covecarecenter.org.