A quick note to all of you who are coming up to Albany to participate in that very special yearly opportunity to speak to power and the public that is the NYAPRS Annual Albany Legislative Day. If weather doesn’t permit an outside march, we’ll find an equally visible way to raise our voices and issues inside the Capital and to the media. Details tomorrow.
Don’t miss it. People whose recovery depends on stable housing, people who follow their inner calling to do this extraordinary work and people who are locked away in a prison inside a box from which they are released only one hour per day are counting on you.
See you all then! Harvey
Mental Health Advocates Rally at NYS Capital to Address
Housing and Workforce Crises, Criminal Justice Reforms
10am to Noon Program at the Egg’s Hart Auditorium Features Local, Government Speakers
WHEN: 1:00 pm Tomorrow (Tuesday) February 26, 2108
WHERE: East Steps NYS Capital Albany, New York
Upwards of 600 mental health self and system advocates and community providers from across New York are coming to Albany tomorrow to march at the Capital and meet with state legislators on 3 primary issues.
Address housing rate deficits that are destabilizing our housing systems and our ability to promote stability of those we serve
2.9% Cost of Living Adjustment for the Human Services Sector to address longstanding shortages that have led to upwards of 50% staff turnover and 30% turnover rates and that touch the lives of a workforce that is largely comprised of women and people of color
To ban the use of Solitary Confinement for people with disabilities, pregnant mothers, young people and seniors.
Contact: Harvey Rosenthal 518-527-0564