NYAPRS Note: The following comes from our fellow members of the Mental Health Alternatives to Solitary Confinement coalition. The Governor has agreed to approve early prison release for certain groups who are vulnerable to contracting the COVID-19 virus that is infecting prisoners and correctional personnel across our prisons. NYAPRS has just signed on: please join us today!
We need your support in calling out blatant discrimination against incarcerated people with mental health concerns. Please sign on to this letter to the Governor by Thursday, April 23.
Several weeks ago Governor Cuomo said that he would release people incarcerated on technical parole violations. Although some people were released, many more are still in custody. NYCLU and the Legal Aid Society filed suit against the state challenging the mandatory detention of people alleged to have violated the conditions of their parole. In that litigation, DOCCS Acting Commissioner Annucci filed this declaration stating that people with “a significant mental illness” are one of the categories of people who are ineligible for release.
This exclusion of people with serious mental health concerns is just the latest example of New York incarcerating people with mental health challenges instead of providing for their needs in the community.
We hope you will stand with us in demanding that Governor Cuomo address the immediate need for people with mental health concerns to be released from incarceration during this pandemic and confront the public health crisis of imprisoning people with serious mental health needs in environments that exacerbate their illnesses.
Your organization can sign on to the letter to Cuomo by completing this form: https://forms.gle/yX3TjC7wtANvhsjG8. Please take action by end of day Thursday (4/23). Thanks for your support!