NYAPRS Note: The following comes to us courtesy at our friends at ADAPT.
The agreement with North Carolina shows the power of the Olmstead decision.
Now think about how things would be different if that landmark decision were overturned.
Scary? Hell yes!
But you can TAKE ACTION: http://ly.adapt.org/wa
Right now, Christine Gregoire, the Democratic Governor of Washington State, is deciding if she will undercut the right of people with disabilities to live in the community! Because Washington state cut personal care services for approximately 45,000 Medicaid recipients on average by 10 percent, disability advocates sued the state of Washington (M.R. v. Dreyfus) using the Olmstead decision. In response to the suit, Democratic Governor Christine Gregoire argued that individuals with disabilities must be already institutionalized in order to be protected under the Olmstead decision and that it violates the U.S. Constitution for the Americans with Disabilities Act to prevent states from cutting home and community based services, even when those cuts will cause institutionalization. The Circuit court disagreed with Governor Gregoire.
Now, Governor Gregoire is considering an appeal to the Supreme Court! She wants to maintain control of her budget, but is putting the rights of people with disabilities at risk. If she takes the case to the Supreme Court, they could take the opportunity to turn back the clock on our rights. The disability community in Washington state has urged Governor Gregoire to settle this case without going to the Supreme Court, but she has been unwilling to do so.
Use the following link to contact key people within the Gregoire administration and the national leaders in the Democratic Party to urge Governor Gregoire to settle this case.