The New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) announces the availability of funds to support the implementation of HealthySteps. OMH continues to prioritize our commitment to the health and well-being of the youngest New Yorkers. The goal is to promote an intentional focus on prevention activities by identifying and implementing evidence-based and data-informed preventive practices.
HealthySteps is an evidence-based program that offers universal access to services for young children ages birth to three and their families in a pediatric health care setting, which is non-stigmatizing. HealthySteps provides early access and opportunities to integrate both mental health and physical well-being for the youngest children at a most critical time in brain development. HealthySteps integrates a professional with expertise in child development who partners with families during well-child visits as part of the primary care team. The HealthySteps model offers the ability to instill preventative efforts through anticipatory guidance which may prevent future potential mental health challenges.
It is anticipated that OMH will make up to 33 additional awards across the state in year one, contingent upon availability of funding. This funding is specifically designated for new sites, with the goal to expand the capacity of pediatric and family medicine practices to implement HealthySteps. Applications from practices meeting the eligibility criteria will be selected from each of the five NYS OMH regions. It is anticipated that OMH will award 15 sites in NYC, 5 sites in the Hudson River region, 5 sites in the Long Island region and 4 sites each in the Western NY and Central NY regions. Priority will be given to eligible practices located in counties currently lacking a HealthySteps site. The combined total of these awards will be up to $15,896,967 over 5 years.
For additional information and requirements please refer to the HealthySteps Request for Applications (RFA) issued by the New York State Office of Mental Health.