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Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Value of a Peer Recovery Support Model to Address the Opioid Crisis
Peggy Swarbrick, Rutgers University BHC, Collaborative Support Programs of NJ, New Brunswick, NJ
Micah Hillis, Rutgers University BHC, New Brunswick, NJ
How are we Doing? An Overview of Organizational Assess Tools for Peer-Run Programs
Todd French, Amy Colesante, Mental Health Empowerment Project, Albany, NY
Wellness and Resilience Story Circles
Deborah Wilcox, Metropolitan State University, Denver, CO
Theresa Hill, NYAPRS, West Babylon, NY
Innovative Approaches to Real World Workforce Challenges
Alec Atkin, Greg Parnell, Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc., Sacramento, CA
Do You Know Your Consumer/Survivor History?
Gayle Bluebird, Arts Consultant and Entrepreneur, Gainesville, FL
Celia Brown, NYS OMH, New York, NY
Philip Schulman, Gainesville, FL
Sally Zinman, California Association of Mental Health Peer Run Organizations, Sacramento, CA
Cultural Competency: Erasing Stigma Through Understanding and Compassion
Kristen Vincent, Housing Options Made Easy, Inc, Gowanda, NY
Facilitating Psychiatric Advance Directives: Relationships, Recovery & Empowerment
John Gresham, Esq., New York, NY
Judith Safern, NYC Department of Mental Hygiene, New York, NY
Rachel Zinns, MD, EdM, NYC Health and Hospitals Corp., East Elmhurst, NY
Empowering Recovery & Resilience with Mindfulness
Ruth Colόn-Wagner, Perryn Dutiger, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
Working Together Toward Wellness for All New Yorkers – PDF
Ann Sullivan, NYS OMH Commissioner
Understanding Our Trauma Through Our Own Stories
Luis Lopez, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY
Taking Charge of Your Recovery Through Self-Directed Care
Keith Aguiar, Lauren Stander, Greg Stanger, Community Access, New York, NY
Bryan Cranna, Independent Living, Newburgh, NY
The Impact of Lived Experience on 2 Managed Care Organizations
Greg DiCharry, Magellan Healthcare, Syracuse, NY
Thomas Fisher, Beacon Health Options, New York City, NY
Partnering to Build a Trauma-Informed NYS and Nation
Jeffrey McQueen, MHA of Nassau County, Hempstead, NY
Samantha Koury, Buffalo Center for Social Research, School of Social Work, Buffalo, NY
Susan Green, The Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care, Buffalo, NY
Michael Berry, NYC Trauma-Informed Learning Community, New York, NY
Clarencetine Brooks, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY
Dan Press, Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice, Washington, DC
Wellness Self Care: A Habit for Personal and Professional Practice
Christina Kadelsi, Jean Marie Leitch, Rutgers University BHC, New Brunswick, NJ
Peggy Swarbrick, Rutgers University BHC, Collaborative Support Programs of NJ, Brunswick, NJ
Understanding Loneliness & Social Isolation: Impacts on People and Society at Large in a Connected
Robert Statham, Perryn Dutiger, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
Want to Work? We Want to Help! NYS’s Resources and Supports That Can Make a Difference – PDF
Paul Margolies, Karen Broadway-Wilson, Raymond Gregory, Thomas Jewell, Gary Scannevin
Center for Practice Innovations, New York, NY
Liam McNabb, Andy Sink, NYS OMH, Albany, NY
Len Statham, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
Families: Can’t Live With Them! Can’t Live Without Them! Strategies Towards Family Healing,
Recovery and Wellness
Abaigeal Carson, Luis Lopez, Helle Thorning, Center for Practice Innovations, New York, NY
Celia Brown, NYS OMH, Albany, NY
Self-Love and Self-Care
Angel Serrano, Jacobi Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Kate Hewlett, Otsego County Behavioral Health Services, Oneonta, NY
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Psychosocial Rehabilitation: An Active, Person-Centered Approach that Promotes and Supports
Recovery – PDF
Amanda Saake, NYS OMH, Albany, NY
Paul Margolies, Center for Practice Innovations, New York, NY
Life By Our Own Design
Sara Goodman, Baltic Street AEH, Brooklyn, NY
Creating Sister Circles to Promote Health, Healing, and Recovery for Women of Color
Clarencetine Brooks, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Long Island City, NY
Celia Brown, NYS OMH, New York, NY
Harm Reduction
Clinton Green, The Coalition for Behavioral Health, New York, NY
Rhythms for Wellness, Healing & Connection: Community Drumming
Chrys Ballerano, NYS Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Albany, NY
Powerful Partnerships: The Impact of Peers on Clinically Oriented Services – PDF
Jeremy Reuling, Ronda Speight, MHA of Westchester, Tarrytown, NY
De-Stressing Job Searching & Job Development
Gary Scannevin, Noah Lipton, Raymond Gregory, Karen Broadway-Wilson, Center for Practice Innovation,
New York, NY
Data Informed & Driven Success in Accredited Clubhouses
Kevin Rice, Fountain House, New York, NY
Gloria Bedoya, Darryl Walker, Brooklyn Clubhouse, SUS, Brooklyn, NY
Mark Boulanger, Venture House-Staten Island, Staten Island, NY
Callie Hall, Venture House-Queens, Jamaica, NY
From Surviving to Thriving
Sarah Felman, Gainesville, FL
Lindsey Sizemore, Georgia Consumer Mental Health Network, Atlanta, GA
Vesper Moore, Central Massachusetts Recovery Learning Community, Worcester, MA
Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination: Let’s Continue the Conversation
Lenora Reid-Rose, Coordinated Care Services, Inc., Rochester, NY
Integrating Peer Services Within Traditional Medically Oriented Settings – PDF
Isaac Brown, Myles Brakman, Baltic Street, AEH, Brooklyn, NY
Thirteen Years of Recovery Learning Communities: Foundational Values and Future Visions
Cindy Marty Hadge, Erin Levesque, Western Massachusetts Recovery Learning Community, Holyoke, MA
Vesper Moore, Shulamitch Jacobi, Central Massachusetts Recovery Learning Community, Worchester, MA
HCBS Panel: What’s Working, What’s Needed
Nicole Haggerty, NYS OMH, Albany, NY
Peggy Elmer, NYS Department of Health, Albany, NY
Doug Meyer, MHA of Essex County, Westport, NY
David Ferencz, Colleen Sheehan, Harvey Rosenthal, NYAPRS, New Choices in Recovery, Albany, NY
Life in the Community Like Everyone Else: The Essentials of Community Inclusion
Liz Breier, Clinton Green, The Coalition for behavioral Health, Inc., New York, NY
Peer-Run Crisis Intervention and Hospital Diversion Programs
Kristen Vincent, Housing Options Made Easy, Inc, Randolph, NY
Putting “Career” into Peer Career Development
Jeremy Reuling, MHA pf Westchester, Tarrytown, NY
Jessica Wolf, Decision Solutions Consulting, Stratford, CT
Peer Support Throughout the Health Care System
Patrick Henry, Mental Health America, Alexandria, VA
A Work-In-Progress Screening! Unlocked: Stories of Public Mental Health Care
Lucy Winer, Wildlight Productions, Inc., New York, NY
Leading for Change: Building the Skills to be Successful in Managing Organizations and Services – PDF
Edythe Schwartz, Edye Schwartz Consulting, Mahopac, NY
Recovery for Everyone
Robert Kent, Stephanie Campbell, NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, Albany, NY
Data and Documentation
Larry Hochwald, Perryn Dutinger, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
The Power of Forensic Peer Support
Lindsey Sizemore, Georgia Consumer Mental Health Network, Atlanta, GA
Tanya Stevens, Ali Rashid, Mental Health Empowerment Project, Albany, NY
A Sneak Preview of the National Practice Guidelines for Supervisors of Peer Specialists
Rita Cronise, Academy of Peer Services, Victor, NY
Jessica Wolf, Yale University, Stratford, CT
The Power of Integrated Services: A Peer Professional Approach to Engagement
Cindy Peterson-Dana, Raquelle Bender, Ronda Speight, MHA Westchester, Tarrytown, NY
A Candid Discussion about Mass Shooting, Re-Institutionalization and Coercion
Ron Manderscheid, National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability
Directors, Washington, DC
Harvey Rosenthal, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
Thursday, September 26, 2019
What Unhealed Place Within did you Inherit?
Deborah Faust, Independent Consultant, Schenectady, NY
Natalie Smarro, Independent Consultant, Schenectady, NY
Isabella Smarro, Schenectady, NY
The Priceless Value of Peers to SUD Recovery Services and Supports
Dr Angelia Smith Wilson, Theresa Knorr, Friends of Recovery (FOR-NY), Albany, NY
EQ and You/ Emotional Intelligence
Jeffrey McQueen, MHA Nassau, Hempstead, NY
Food as Medicine: Discussions on Food, Health, and the Peer Movement
Elizabeth Breier, The Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies, New York, NY
Celia Brown, NYS OMH, New York, NY
Sean Brennan, Brain Food Garden Project, Jamaica, NY
Problem Solving Techniques for Your Organization’s Quality Improvement Challenges
Alec Atkin, Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc., Sacramento, CA
ACCESS-VR and You: Let’s Talk About Services
Jennifer Semonite, Connie Glover, Catherine Green, Polly Mortensen, ACCES-VR, Albany, NY
New York State Office of Mental Health:
Strategies for Behavioral Health Equity: Leaving No One Behind
Matt Canuteson, Director, Bureau of Cultural Competence, NYS OMH, Albany, NY
Behind the Scenes at the Academy of Peer Services and NY Peer Specialist Certification Board
Amy Spagnolo, Annette Backs, Varsha Kamat, Rutgers University, Piscataway,
Rita Cronise, Academy of Peer Services, Victor, NY
Joseph Swinford, Tyrone Garrett, Mental Health Empowerment Project, Albany, NY
Maryam Husamudeen, NYAPRS, Albany, NY
A Day in the Life of a Peer Advocate
Mike Ammendola, Mary Caggiano, Maureen Carr Domaratz, Capital District Psychiatric Center, Albany, NY
Discovering and Knowing Your Purpose and Calling in Life
Angel Serrano, Jacobi Medical Venter, Bronx, NY
Kate Hewlett, Otsego County Behavioral Health Services, Oneonta, NY
Empowerment, Triumph and Hope Through Peer Run Groups
Rebecca Finn, Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
Rolling Out Mental Health Instruction in School: Year 1 Experience
Glenn Liebman, John Richter, Mental Health Association in NYS, Albany, NY
Amy Molly, Mental Health Resource and Training Center, Albany, NY
Ups and Downs of Being a Tenant at a Supportive Housing Agency
Phyllis Fisher, Eli Bean, Community Access, New York, NY
Walking the Walk From 12-Steps to Harm Reduction
Jay Stevens, Community Access, New York, NY