The Health Home roll out plan for the first wave has been posted on the Health Home website. It is located on the Health Home website, the NYS Implementation of Health Homes page at this url:
Then open the bullet labeled
Preliminary NYS Health Home Rollout Plan
Overall Rollout Plan
Excerpts by NYAPRS
The first wave of health home implementation will include the bottom two quadrants Mental Health/Substance abuse and the Other Chronic medical. The detailed roll out information for those two groups is included below.
In the second wave of health home implementation the Long Term Care population is targeted. The long term care health home approach includes two potential components both of which are still under development. The first component is to build a health home from within the existing managed long term care plan (MLTCP) structure and leverage and improve the existing care management that exists inside of that program. The other long term care component would include building care management networks of nursing homes and non-institutional providers to manage services (potentially both Medicaid and Medicare services). Both of these long term care components are the subject of ongoing discussions between State staff and CMS and the Innovations Center on how best to implement a health home for these populations. The MLTCP model could be implemented rather quickly. In the third wave of health home implementation the developmentally disabled population is targeted.
The development disabilities population is currently served in an existing targeted care management (TCM) program which will likely convert to health home after work is more completed on a very large Medicaid waiver that is being developed for this population.