NYAPRS Note: This year’s OMH budget proposal attempts to help mainstream the education provided to children and youth who reside in state psychiatric centers by requiring local school districts to provide educational services, rather than continue current policy for that to be provided by state hospital staff.
As the mental hygiene budget negotiations appear to be reaching a deal, please press state legislators to urge their leaders to replace their current resistance to that proposal with their full support. Thank you!
Help Support Equal Education for Children and Youth in State Psych Centers!
Our understanding is that the budget is close to being passed and we still have some outstanding issues. One of the most important is to insure that children and youth in the state psychiatric centers are provided with the same level of education as any child in the community.
Please take a few minutes to call up your Assembly member at 518-455-4100 and Senator at 518-455-2800 TODAY to urge them to support the Governor’s Budget Language calling for OMH to work with local school districts to support educational services.
“Please provide equal education for children in Psychiatric Centers by supporting the Governor’s budget language calling for OMH to work with local school districts”.