February I, 2012
Thomas Farley, MD, MPH
February 1, 2012
Dear Provider,
As you know, in response to health care reform, New York State is undergoing a major change in the way we deliver services to our mental health consumers through the advent of health homes. As our health care delivery system adapts to these changes, so must our consumers.
To assist in this process, DOHMH has funded an exciting initiative with Baltic Street, AEH Inc. to provide peer-delivered outreach and communication to help our consumers navigate through the various changes associated with health home implementation.
Baltic Street will:
– Reach out to your programs directly, and solicit their help in gathering interest from clients and arranging the most appropriate way to disseminate this information to them
– Provide peer-led information sessions on-site or off-site
– Provide instructional brochures and other information resources
We encourage you to support this initiative by notifying your program directors of this unique educational opportunity. Your support in this endeavor is vital to facilitating a smooth transition for our consumers. We look forward to the success of this project.
Please feel free to contact Angela Hebner, Project Coordinator at Baltic Street (718-310-8501) if you have any questions or would like to schedule 8n information session for your programs.
Trish Marsik
Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Mental Health