Call for Presentations!
is seeking presentation proposals for
our Very Special 30th Annual Conference!
September 19-21, 2012
Keeping the Integrity in Integration
at the Hudson Valley Resort & Conference Center
and the nearby Honors Haven
The NYAPRS Annual Conference is widely regarded as one of the nation’s finest training opportunities promoting the recovery, rehabilitation and rights of people with psychiatric disabilities. NYAPRS joins with our many partners from across New York State and the country to provide an unprecedented program advancing the transformation of our state and local mental health service and support systems. Make your contribution to the knowledge and skills of others by submitting a proposal!
See the attached forms.
Again this year we will offer the Health, Healing & Arts Fair and Multicultural Exhibition
FREE – Reiki – Shiatsu – Massage – Art Table – Karaoke – Drumming – and more!
Please look to our website next week for the downloadable version of the Call for Presentations form below
New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services
30th Annual Conference Call for Presentations
September 19-21, 2012
Keeping the Integrity in Integration
Directions/Instructions for Submitting a Proposal:
- Submit the same information for all presenters (including additional presenters; see the next sheet & make copies if necessary)
- Submit a resume (max. 2 pages) for each presenter that includes education, work experience, and presentation experience
Lead Presenter: _______________________________________________________________________ # of pages_____
1. Title of Workshop:________________________________________________________________________________
2. Workshop Description (50 words) as you would want to appear in the conference brochure:
2a. __ I will require special equipment or accommodation due to the disability of a presenter, please submit a brief description along with your Workshop Description.
3. Learning Objectives/Overall Goal must be measurable, learner-centered, and achievable within the timeframe of the activity: (minimum of 2; may fit the format – “At the end of this workshop people will be able to…” or “People attending this workshop will have an opportunity to…):___________________________________________________________
4. Benefit to Participant: (why should they attend; how will this enhance their understanding, appreciation of this workshop? :
5. Which of the 7 domains of the CPRP Role Delineation Study or Professional Ethics does your workshop address (choose at least one):
__Interpersonal Competencies __Assessment, Planning and Outcomes __Interventions for Goal Achievement
__Professional Role Competencies __Systems Competencies __Diversity & Cultural Competence
__Community Integration CPRP Role Delineation Study
Professional Ethics
6. Presentation Approach:
___% Lecture/Presentation ___% Interactive Discussion/Q&A* __% Other (Describe) __________________________
*CPRP approved workshops provide an opportunity for interaction between participants and presenters.
7. Outline or Presentation Summary: (On separate pages (max. 2) please answer a, b, c and d below.
This material is very important to the committee when evaluating and selecting the proper variety of presentations, so specificity and clarity is important.
a. Presentation Length (keynote 45 minutes: workshop 75 minutes)
b. Learning Objectives (minimum of two learning objectives) (same as above)
c. How the presentation addresses at least ONE of the 7 domains of the CPRP Role Delineation study OR professional ethics, AND is consistent with the principles and values of psychiatric rehabilitation, person first language, and multi-cultural principles.
d. How program content corresponds to learning objectives.
CPRP Role Delineation Study
Core Principles of Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Professional Ethics
8. Best Day for Presenting:
___ Wednesday PM only ___Thursday AM only ___Friday AM only
___Thursday PM only ___Any Time
9. Audio – Visual Equipment needs (all workshop rooms will have a flipchart and markers): __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please submit this 2-page application to Mary McLaughlin before May 15, 2012.
Applications can be emailed to or
mailed to Mary McLaughlin, NYAPRS, One Columbia Place, 2nd Floor, Albany, NY 12207
Please complete all spaces and photocopy for additional presenters if necessary:
Primary Presenter
Your Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Agency Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Agency Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Agency City:______________________________________________________________ State________ Zip_________
Phone:_ __________________________________________Fax: ____________________________________________
Do you have the CPRP credential? __ yes __no
Have you published on presentation/topic domain area in the last 5 years? __ yes __no
If Yes, Publication information: ________________________________________________________________________
Your Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Agency Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Agency Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Agency City:______________________________________________________________ State________ Zip_________
Phone:_ __________________________________________Fax: ____________________________________________
Do you have the CPRP credential? __ yes __no
Have you published on presentation/topic domain area in the last 5 years? __ yes __no
If Yes, Publication information: ________________________________________________________________________
Your Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Agency Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Agency Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Agency City:______________________________________________________________ State________ Zip_________
Phone:_ __________________________________________Fax: _________________________________________
Do you have the CPRP credential? __ yes __no
Have you published on presentation/topic domain area in the last 5 years? __ yes __no
If Yes, Publication information: ________________________________________________________________________