Exploring the Intersection between Cultural Competence and Peer to Peer Support
Most of us would agree that the experience of receiving behavioral health services and the outcomes of those services are enhanced when those who have had lived experience are involved in the care and support of those requiring those services. BUT what are we doing to ensure that the Peer to Peer Support is also culturally and linguistically appropriate? How should state CLC coordinators and leaders of peer services support each other to facilitate cultural and linguistic competence?
We will start that discussion on Tuesday, June 26th at 3:00 ET.
Please join us AND please invite the appropriate persons within your state mental health department AND community based leaders for peer-to-peer, family-to-family, youth-to-youth to be part of this discussion. To help us get started with the conversation we will be hearing from
– Crystal Glover, University of Illinois at Chicago, National Research and Training Center, NAMI Support, Training and Resource (STAR) Center on the Tool to Assess Peer Program Cultural Competence
– Conni Wells, Consultant, Axis Group1 on the approach to cultural and linguistic competence taken in the Federation of Families’ Parent Support Provider Certification and in California’s Working Well Together
– Wendy Jones, Senior Policy Associate, National Center for Cultural Competence on the Cultural and Linguistic Competence Family Organization Assessment Tool
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