NYAPRS Note: The comes courtesy of the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare (www.nccbh.org).
Working Hard for the Money
Funding Opportunity for Aging and Disability Resource Center
Last month, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced a new $25 million funding opportunity made possible by the Affordable Care Act to help states strengthen and expand their ability to help seniors and people with disabilities access home and community-based long-term services and supports. Over the next one to three years, the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) program will help state agencies administer and better coordinate state and federal long-term service and support programs for older adults, people with disabilities, and veterans with disabilities. Approximately eight states will be competitively selected to accelerate the development over a three-year period. Only states entities are eligible to apply, but to learn more about the program, click here.
$100,000 for First-Place Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation
Supported by The Coca-Cola Foundation, the Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation recognizes existing programs that have made a difference in the lives of the people they serve. Three agencies will be awarded: first-place will receive $100,000 and second-and third-place will receive $7,500 and $5,000 respectively. All non-profit agencies are eligible. Apply by July 1!
National Service Grant Opportunity Available for Communities Serving Veterans
Does your community look to increase collaboration and coordination of services to better serve veterans and their families? Points of Light is pleased to announce the release of the RFP for the Community Blueprint Corps, a national service program dedicated to serving veterans by focusing on collaboration, job readiness and community engagement. Points of Light will work with communities to leverage Corps members in new and strategic ways to address the job readiness needs of veterans. Applications must be submitted by July 6th. Learn more here and join them on June 14th for a teleconference to learn more about this opportunity: Conference Number: 1-888-619-1583, Participant code: 709275
NIDA Announces Funding for Substance Use Research
The National Institute on Drug Abuse has committed to providing $1.5 million to support four to five awards in FY 2013. The purpose of the grant is to support organizations in conducting phased research projects to monitor and examine changes in drug use prevention, addiction treatment, and associated HIV and viral hepatitis services that may occur as a result of healthcare reform. Eligible applicants include not for profit and for profit organizations. Letters of intent are due July 22, 2012. Get more information about the grant opportunity here.
HUD Funds Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced the availability of $85 million for state housing agencies to provide affordable supportive housing to extremely low-income individuals with disabilities. The Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Program will provide funding to approximately 16 state, regional, or local housing agencies that demonstrate state partnership models and aim to increase the number of permanent housing units for persons with disabilities. The Technical Assistance Collaborative has developed a summary of the NOFA.The deadline to apply is July 31. Get more info here.