Notice of Public Hearing
OASAS Statewide Comprehensive Plan 2012-2016
OMH Statewide Comprehensive Plan 2012-2016
September 6, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
NYS Office of Mental Health Buffalo Psychiatric Center
44 Holland Avenue Room 2012
8th Floor Conference Room Strozzi Annex
Albany, NY 12229 400 Forest Avenue.
Buffalo, NY 14213-1298
Central New York Field Office
NYS Office of Mental Health Rochester Psychiatric Center
Education and Training Building, Room 204 Auditorium
545 Cedar Street Building 16 – Rehabilitation Center
Syracuse, NY 13210-2319 1111 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620
South Beach Psychiatric Center
Room 626 New York City Field Office
Building 9 NYS Office of Mental Health
777 Seaview Avenue Conference Room A
Staten Island, NY 10305 9th Floor
330 Fifth Avenue
Pilgrim Psychiatric Center New York, NY 10001-3101
Room C-4
Rehabilitation Center – Building 102
998 Crooked Hill Road
West Brentwood, NY 11717-1087
Go to to register and submit comments.
OASAS and OMH are conducting the first-ever joint public hearing on their statewide comprehensive plans. The hearing will involve OASAS Commissioner Arlene González-Sánchez and OMH Commissioner Michael Hogan, who will receive input for consideration in the development of their respective Statewide Comprehensive Plans, anticipated integration of statewide planning efforts in the future, and ongoing planning initiatives. OASAS is also gathering input on its 2012 Outcomes Dashboard ( that will be considered in developing the 2013 Outcomes Dashboard.
Recent changes in Mental Hygiene Law give OASAS and OMH the authority to develop a joint Statewide Comprehensive Plan and Interim Report. The two agencies are not developing a joint Plan this year, however this joint public hearing is a significant step in moving the addictions and mental health systems toward the delivery of more integrated services and the potential development of a single Statewide Comprehensive Plan for both agencies in the future.
Registration for any of the public hearing sites listed above is available at ( Given the number of individuals expected to want to testify, OASAS and OMH request that all input be received in writing. Individuals interested in being considered to present oral testimony should check the appropriate box using the online registration system. Should time constraints not allow all who want to present oral testimony to do so, OASAS and OMH will have received all comments in writing, which will be reviewed in detail. Individuals providing oral testimony are respectfully asked to limit their testimony to three minutes or less.
Please note that space is limited at some hearing sites. You must register in advance to attend the hearing. Registrations will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to these capacity constraints, organizations are respectfully asked to send one individual per organization to attend the hearing.
If you require any special accommodations to participate in the hearing, or have questions about the format, please contact Colleen Garrahan at or 518-473-3570.