Community Advocacy Course at the Mental Health Project-Urban Justice Center
We are starting a new season of advocacy with the Community Advocacy Course here at the Urban Justice Center’s Mental Health Project and are looking for applicants! If you or someone you know is interested in applying, please contact Becca Kinsella at 646-459-3063 by October 31st for an application. Completed applications are due by Friday November 9, 2012.
The Community Advocacy Course will be held on Fridays from 10 am-12:30 pm, and will run from December 7 to March 1. The course provides an overview of political advocacy and teaches strategies and tactics to advocate around issues that impact people with mental illness. Students will have the opportunity to develop and/or strengthen their leadership and communication skills through discussions and activities about the following topics: media, public demonstrations, preparing for public hearings and lobby days, creating presentations, meeting with community leaders, community organizing and more.
Because there are limited spaces in the class, unfortunately, we will not be able to accept everyone who applies. Applicants should have a history of mental illness. Please contact Becca Kinsella with any additional questions at