The National Healthcare for the Homeless Council is conducting a free
webinar that may be of interest to you.
Medicaid Eligibility, Enrollment, and Outreach: Changes Coming to the
HCH Community
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
3:30-5:00 PM (EST)
Register Now!
This webinar will identify the Affordable Care Act’s policy changes
related to eligibility and enrollment and the areas of flexibility that
states have for making further changes, provide examples of enrollment
best practices being implemented in health centers, and outline public
resources available to help with outreach and enrollment activities.
The Affordable Care Act gives states the option to expand Medicaid to
nearly all individuals with incomes up to 138% of the federal poverty
level ($15,000/year for an individual), with open enrollment starting on
October 1, 2013, in those states that have opted to expand.
While homeless service providers have encountered barriers to enrollment
in the past, new rules for streamlining and simplifying the process are
mandatory for all states, regardless of their decision about expansion.
Hence, both eligibility and enrollment are being expanded and improved,
which is a great benefit for those experiencing homelessness and the
providers that assist them.
* Barbara DiPietro, PhD; Director of Policy, National Health Care
for the Homeless Council; Baltimore
* Anne Marie Costello, Technical Director, Division of
Eligibility, Enrollment & Outreach, Centers for Medicaid and CHIP
Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS); Baltimore
* Kevin Malone, Public Health Analyst, Office of Policy Planning
and Innovation, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA); Rockville, Maryland
* Jessica Kendall, MPH; Outreach Director, Enroll America;
Washington, D.C.
Health Care for the Homeless is building a future without homelessness.
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