NYAPRS Note: NYAPRS is very pleased to provide more details about this year’s Annual Conference program and to open up registration. We have put together an exceptionally strong program this year, with over 70 timely and informative workshops. Rates have remained the same – 2014 Conference at 2009 rates!
Please go to http://bit.ly/1sIGVmNto register now! The preliminary program will be released soon – stay tuned!
NYAPRS 32nd Annual Conference
Recovery Moves to the Mainstream
September 17-19, 2014
Hudson Valley Resort & Conference Center, Kerhonkson, NY
Here’s a sneak peek at workshop titles:
Getting Ready for HARPS, Health Homes and DSRIP
The Role of Peers in the ACA Environment
Working Your Way to Wellness
Building Grassroots Demand for Trauma-Informed Approaches
Suicide as a Never-Event: Emerging Prevention and Care Practices
Supervision of Peer Employees in Peer & Non-Peer Run Programs
Hip Hop & Other Music: How They Can Promote Cultural Competency & Recovery
Engagement Strategies in a Transformed Healthcare System
… and many more!
Keynote Speakers Include:
Leah Harris, National Empowerment Center
Joe Rogers, MHA of Southeastern PA
Eduardo Vega, Mental Health Association of San Francisco
Debbie Plotnick, Mental Health America
Stephanie Orlando, YOUTH POWER!
Celia Brown, NYS Office of Mental Health
Chacku Mathai, NAMI Star Center
Can Troung, Can Consulting
Featured Speakers Include:
Mike Hogan, Hogan Health Solutions
Ron Manderscheid, National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors
Joe Powell, Association of Persons Affected by Addiction
Gene Johnson & Lori Ashcroft, Recovery Innovations
Jennifer Mathis, Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Tom Hill, Altarum Institute
Neville Morris, Interpersonal Communication Skills & Development
Featured Entertainment:
David Granirer, Stand Up for Mental Health
NYAPRS Movie Night, featuring films from Can Troung & Patrick Hendry
As always, our Health, Healing & Arts Fair will feature Shiatsu, Massage, Acupuncture, Healing Energy, and more – All at no cost to you!
Full Program details will be released soon, check our website frequently for updated information: www.nyaprs.org