NYAPRS Note: The Medicaid Redesign Team’s Social Determinants of Health workgroup has released a final set of recommendations to the state regarding priority areas for intervention toward improved population health and decreased disparities. NYAPRS has been participating in the workgroup’s proceedings and is pleased that the recommendations reflect the need for persons with disabilities to be actively engaged in the delivery of healthcare services, and that recovery requires a breadth of supports including assurances related to finances and employment. To learn more about the workgroup and read details about each of the priorities, visit: http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/docs/final_recommendations_11-05-14.pdf
Work Group Mission
Previous MRT Workgroups have made recommendations that either fund services through the Medicaid program or have an impact on Medicaid recipients to improve their health and create Medicaid savings. The charge is to provide guidance to the NYS Department of Health (Department) on how best to address the social determinants of health (SDH) to promote health, improve wellbeing and decrease/eliminate disparities due to the SDH.
Charge to Group
The MRT Social Determinants of Health Work Group is being convened at the direction of NY State Medicaid Director, Jason Helgerson. A primary charge to the new work group is to focus on issues related to employment. These could include, for example, workforce development and job training, expanded/continued Medicaid coverage to promote employment of persons with mental, physical or developmental disabilities, or incentivizing worksite wellness programs or expanding work benefits to target low-income workers who are likely to be Medicaid recipients. The Work Group is charged with identifying and discussing a full range of potential strategies, programs, and/or policies related to employment that could decrease disparities in health access, utilization, and outcomes. As with other MRT Work Group recommendations, the goal is to identify proposals that provide cost savings to NY Medicaid or are at least cost neutral and that will have a health benefit.
List of Workgroup Recommendations:
1. Earned Sick Time
2. Advancing Community Health Worker Workforce
3. Paid Family Leave Insurance
4. Advancing Community-Based Prevention
5. Advancing Additional Peer Specialist Positions
6. Strengthening Current Infrastructure
7. Development of Certified Peer Specialist – DSRIP
8. Disability Equity in State Hiring
9. Benefits Advisement and Web-Based Calculator
10. Providing Transportation and Employment Opportunities
11. Regional Economic Development Councils
12. Supported Employment/ Education
To learn more about each of these recommendations and the workgroup proceedings that led to these outcomes, visit: http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/docs/final_recommendations_11-05-14.pdf