Good morning NYAPRS Community!
Each year, NYAPRS joins with providers, recipients, and self-advocates from across the state to bring hundreds of people to Albany to press for our budget and legislative agenda by supporting the costs of bus and other transportation.
Over the years, our efforts have been critical to the success of countless campaigns including Community Reinvestment, Rights Protections, the Medicaid Buy-In, Alternatives to Solitary Confinement, Entitlement Protections, increased funding for recovery supports like Housing, Employment and Peer Support and to support our Community Workforce.
As you can see from the attached flyer, housing is at the top of our priorities this year and an unprecedented turnout by our community can give face and voice to these concerns as no other group can. Given greater than usual interest from the Governor and state legislators, this is our year to improve funding and expand housing options!
We will also be prioritizing criminal justice, informed choice, managed care readiness, reinvestment and COLA initiatives.
We need your help this year to ensure that our February 25th Legislative Day (note the date change) is a decisive success! Our day will culminate in a spirited Rally and March outside and around the state Capitol, large numbers of meetings with local legislators and/or staff and, this year, a strong turnout at the Legislative Mental Hygiene budget hearing.
Please visit our website<> to support our efforts to help the mental health community.
Or contact NYAPRS’ event coordinator Will Ryan at willr at<mailto:willr at> / 518-436-0008 to make your financial commitment to ensure we have buses coming from all over the state on the 25th, from Buffalo, Rochester, Watertown/Syracuse, the North Country, the Southern Tier, the Hudson River Valley, New York City and Long Island.
Thanks once again for your steady support for our extraordinary community!
Harvey and Briana