NYAPRS Note: Controlling costs and achieving health care quality improvements requires the participation of activated and informed consumers. Join us as national educator and researcher, Dr. Judith Hibbard presents a process in which she was the lead designer, for conceptualizing and operationalizing what it means to be “activated” and delineates the process used to develop the measure for assessing activation. Activation is the key to successful outreach and engagement and essential to increasing access to services. Come join us as we take a “deeper dive” into activation and what it means for the new service system.
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Monday May 18th, 2015
“Patient” Activation Measure: Improving Health Outcomes and Reducing Costs
The “go to webinar” registration will be sent to MRLC members. Contact mary@nyaprs.org if you are not a member.
The Agenda for the May 18th , 2015 webinar is as follows:
- Welcome, Review of Day’s Agenda: Edye Schwartz, NYAPRS
- State Advocacy/Informational Update: Briana Gilmore, NYAPRS Policy Director
- Presentation: “Patient” Activation Measure: Improving Health Outcomes and Reducing Costs”
- Presenter: Judith Hibbard, Dr.PH, Senior Researcher and Emeritus Professor, University of Oregon
- Discussion & Questions
Judith Hibbard, DrPH, is a Senior Researcher and Emeritus Professor, at the University of Oregon. Over the last 30 years, Dr. Hibbard has focused her research on consumer choices and behavior in health care. She has a particular interest in testing approaches that give consumers more knowledge and control over their health and health care. Dr. Hibbard is the lead author of the “Patient Activation Measure”, which measures an individual’s knowledge and skill for self-management. The measure is being used around the world by researchers and practitioners. She advises many health care organizations, foundations, and initiatives and has served on several advisory panels and commissions, including the National Advisory Council for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the National Health Care Quality Forum, United Health Group Advisory Panel, and National Advisory Council for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Aligning Forces for Quality initiative. She is the author of more than 150 peer-reviewed publications. Her recent work appears in issues of Health Affairs, Medical Care and Health Services Research. Dr. Hibbard holds a master’s degree in public health from UCLA and a doctoral degree from the School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
For More Information:
CONTACT mary@nyaprs.org