NYAPRS Note: Social media networks including Facebook and not Tumblr are encouraging people to speak openly about mental health issues and other social issues like bullying or abuse. But these announcements do not come without a backlash, including criticism from privacy advocates and researchers that indicate that these methods are not well-known to encourage appropriate outreach, engagement, and treatment, and might lead to situations that exacerbate behavioral stressors. Most analysts take a balanced approach, indicating that social media methods of disclosure and seeking anonymous support may be helpful for some but not for others. As always, understanding these platforms as a provider who serves individuals who may connect with these methods of communication can be beneficial to your practice is added to the range of supports available to people in the community.
Tumblr Encourages Users to Speak Up About Mental Health Issues
Engadget; Mariella Moon, 5/14/2015
A lot of people turn to social media to vent and say how they really feel when they can’t do so in real life. That’s the reason Facebook has suicide prevention tools and why Tumblr has launched a new initiative called “Post It Forward.” The project encourages users to share their personal stories on bullying, self-harm, depression and other similar issues, as well as to post messages of kindness and encouragement in video, written text or even GIF formats. According to the Tumblr Communications Manager Leah Linder, the initiative aims to “remove the stigma around mental and emotional health” and to raise awareness of organizations that help people overcome their problems. Anyone can participate by tagging their entries #PostItForward, and those who need to connect with others going through the same thing can browse all entries on the project’s official account.