NYAPRS Note: There is a growing awareness of state agencies, researchers, providers, and community members that persons with lived experience can provide not only adequate but excellent support when a person is experiencing crisis. How peers can offer needed supports and be trained, integrated, and supervised adequately must be understood if the services can grow sufficiently and provide the most appropriate access for individuals in crisis. Join this webinar on June 10 to learn more!
Peers As Crisis Service Providers
Webinar on 6/10/2015
A webinar sponsored by SAMHSA and presented by the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery will take place Wednesday, June 10, 2015 from 1 – 2:30 pm Eastern Time called “Peers as Crisis Service Providers.”
Description: Research shows that the involvement of peer specialists is critical to prevention, allows states to save mental health program dollars by reducing cycles of hospitalization and other emergency interventions, and increases recovery and community integration outcomes. Peers are currently playing an increasing role in providing crisis services, through running crisis respites, staffing crisis response centers, and participating in mobile crisis and/or outreach teams. This webinar will provide examples of the range of crisis services that peers can provide, the benefits of integrating peer specialists into crisis services, and common pitfalls to avoid. Intended audience: crisis service providers, state and local administrators, peer-run organizations, family-run organizations
Presenters: Steve Miccio, Jim Hajny, Sue Bergeson, Heather Rae and Paul Lyons
Here is the registration link for joining the June 10th webinar:
To access the many other webinars being offered in the “Addressing Serious Mental Illness” webinar series sponsored by SAMHSA in May – August 2015, visit: http://www.samhsa.gov/addressing-serious-mental-illness-webinar-series