NYAPRS Note: Preparing yourself for the unknown takes not just preparation but the development of a plan. In this webinar we are pleased to have David Bucciferro help us focus on creating an agency specific strategy to both ready ourselves for managed care and Medicaid reform and also discuss strategies to help us manage through the unknown times ahead. Steve Coe will help make these concepts real by sharing the Community Access experiences of how they have begun to meet the challenge of preparing for the paradigm shift before us.
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Wednesday June 17, 2015
1:00pm- 2:30pm
“Future Proofing your Agency: Managing through Informed Decision Making”
The “go to webinar” registration will be sent to MRLC members. Contact mary at nyaprs.org if you are not a member.
The Agenda for the June 17th, 2015 webinar is as follows:
* Welcome, Review of Day’s Agenda: Edye Schwartz, NYAPRS
* State Advocacy/Informational Update: Briana Gilmore, NYAPRS Policy Director
* Presentation: Future Proofing your Agency: Managing through Informed Decision Making
* Presenters: David Bucciferro, Senior Consultant, Foothold Technology, Consultant NYAPRS.
Steve Coe, Chief Executive Officer, Community Access, NYC
* Discussion & Questions
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David Bucciferro joined Foothold Technology after more than 25 years at NYSOMH, most recently serving as the Director of the Rehabilitation Services Unit. He brings a visionary yet practical insight into program development, budgeting, performance management, and compliance. At Foothold, David shares his experience and expertise with providers and governments across the country, with an emphasis on best practices for data collection and evaluations. David also shares his expertise with State providers as a consultant with NYAPRS.
[https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrink_100_100/p/2/000/00c/240/29adade.jpg]<https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=27429642&authType=OPENLINK&authToken=7Bk5&locale=en_US&srchid=844797981433336591468&srchindex=1&srchtotal=150&trk=vsrp_people_res_photo&trkInfo=VSRPsearchId:844797981433336591468,VSRPtargetId:27429642,VSRPcmpt:primary,VSRPnm:true>Community Access was founded in 1974 by people concerned about the massive number of people who were suddenly discharged from state-run psychiatric hospitals. Three years later, Steve Coe became the first paid employee, and he continues to lead the organization. Community Access has created more than 800 units of both transitional and permanent housing for low-income families and people with mental health issues. They also provide substance abuse counseling, continuing education and employment programs, while advocating for the rights of people with mental illness.
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and don’t miss out on any of the exciting and informative MRLC webinars as well as all the important information on our MRLC Portal including special papers, articles, links and resources of importance to you as we face healthcare reform.
CONTACT mary at nyaprs.org<mailto:mary at nyaprs.org>
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