The Managed Care Technical Assistance Center (MCTAC) has announced the following training for NYC Health Homes, adult behavioral health HCBS providers, and MCOs:
Attention New York City Adult HCBS Health Home Providers and MCOs: Register Now for an In-Person Training in NYC
On Monday, June 15th, MCTAC will host a training in New York City for designated adult HCBS providers, Health Home leads, Health Home care management agencies, and MCOs. It is strongly recommended that if you will provide HCBS services or Health Home Care Management that a representative of your agency attend. The training will cover the following topics:
- HCBS vision, key components, and workflow
- Overview: billing, administration, co-enrollment, rules, etc.
- Service by service overview
Two identical but separate training times will be offered: a morning session from 9 am – 12 pm and an afternoon session from 1 – 4 pm. Both will take place at the NYU Kimmel Center, Rosenthal Pavilion (10th floor), 60 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10010. Please register for one of the these times via the links below:
Please note that the afternoon session will take place from 1 – 4 pm, not 12:30 – 3:30 pm.
Morning session – 9 am – 12 pm:
Afternoon session – 1 – 4 pm:
If you cannot attend in person, the morning session will be recorded and available via the MCTAC webpage following the event.
Thank you,
NYSDOH Health Home Program