SAMHSA: Check Out What’s New with Recovery to Practice!
by Chris Liu-Beers
Practicing Recovery:
Outreach and Engagement
While we are able to talk more openly in society about mental health and substance use conditions, our nation still falls short in getting those who need help into care. In 2013, the US Health and Human Services estimated that 60 percent of people with mental health conditions and nearly 90 percent of people with substance use conditions do not receive the behavioral health treatment and services they need.
In this issue of Recovery to Practice, we consider the roles of outreach and engagement in recovery.
Iden Campbell McCollum, founder and executive director of The Campbell Center, provides examples on the importance of meeting people where they are from street outreach to advocacy.
Dr. Jim O’Connell, of Boston Health Care for the Homeless, talks about about street outreach and engagement with people who are experiencing homelessness.
HOPE (Helping Other People through Empowerment) is a participant-run Wellness and Recovery Center for people who are experiencing homelessness and seeking wellness. Thomas Hicks reminds us of the importance of being supportive, encouraging, and empowering.