NYAPRS Note: SAMHSA’s Winter Webinar Series continues on January 26, from 1-2 PM EST, and is entitled: “Recovery-Oriented Community-Focused Responses to Behavioral Health Crises.” The presenters will describe their practical experience using Open Dialogue, an innovative, social network-based approach to support people in crisis, emphasizing how this approach can be integrated into existing crisis response services.Next, on February 2, also from 1-2 PM EST, “Hospital Diversion and Alternatives in Crisis Response” explores “next generation crisis response services” which include an array of approaches for managing mental health crisis in non-hospital settings.
More information, including registration links, can be found below.
Winter Webinar Series:
Crisis and Recovery
Join the Recovery to Practice Winter Webinar Series for a dynamic series exploring how to integrate recovery-oriented approaches into response and support services for individuals experiencing mental health crisis.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s Recovery to Practice (RTP) workforce development initiative can help you to translate recovery-oriented principles into everyday practice!
Register now! Select the title for more information and to register.
January 26, 1:00 – 2:00 ET
Recovery-oriented community-focused responses to behavioral health crises<http://newsletter.center4si.com/wf/click?upn=HpYCUk6MH5TRXfYbf0Z0MNvYC1ylurzxOBwmrKCuoKzXhVBzoayqhCsNvwhFnFMxZVcuZaR9QMRX8e4CEws61XJDk8dMSPmye0mJ2fJG9WM-3D_ePYgH7Rck6FvKt-2FUkDGFsL359dSoG6y2NpTLBSUZ0-2BLmOPTWc5bMXrpHtctP5OHXZFAwf7Ojzz6xAvUGaW-2Bhf3qvRGsSIADMO9XLyxUulPlQKNBfE6uEbwsJKosJdMzY4pK4DKt5eQmnBRywLJo0Gs-2BVuu3xtBvsqO26e2dtVhv3NhtlFqRj6KllvA-2BzR9QLJldesdCd1k5s0LW76GY4fovCbPROSDa-2FIxnicnXmirrRnITyjUMuFfQp61rrP09ZsOP8xwvIngN92032Uqy4zQz-2FsCPJQxe3BZ1ydTIO5QyaERwJ-2Fmzu-2B-2BA6DmURH43R4tWCuq2mJmDgjDTJ-2FqIfxkdBVM4boCGJO9YdKJhGjirgfiplHPNS0Oeeea6m2IVeAG-2Bh3OLBlRRSn703tT7Vcg-3D-3D>
The presenters will describe their practical experience using Open Dialogue, an innovative, social network-based approach to support people in crisis, emphasizing how this approach can be integrated into existing crisis response services.
February 2, 1:00 – 2:00 ET
Hospital diversion and alternatives in crisis response<http://newsletter.center4si.com/wf/click?upn=HpYCUk6MH5TRXfYbf0Z0MNvYC1ylurzxOBwmrKCuoKwq5vItMv6C7d2ef1IGApe-2BsJD6aG4lTf5nlhMqWB7J9TnOjONDozEXzKir1NtPqI4-3D_ePYgH7Rck6FvKt-2FUkDGFsL359dSoG6y2NpTLBSUZ0-2BLmOPTWc5bMXrpHtctP5OHXgOrnWIaqt9mJWBRfGs1xHy989AqCmQdPxfWKGlR3U7iUAZpNWNNcj2L-2Byxx0RxR7JhmsbTsvwSjFPtaymnWC-2BXAJiZvOIViDPDKWw0nmp4beou2gydMVGa3ESPgBQeD4L8qfr3hz12YBRDSo0dgj7dpDu25lvV1WVwaOth-2FdNP1CmMJkSQI8YY6Hxp4g1vfZ3CyssAbWojBcfBEjc4O-2FkL59ye-2B8mB9hG7VGdt9BxoX8n40JIfrwSwI76nZBFB2urrwyIOrYLH-2FgemqDTN2V-2B5oieli1yxfufPgqhNN4Q-2BIo7ICJ30BFRkGTuLoEax1YqubuaIytzuOaX3Du8zTerw-3D-3D>
This webinar will explore “next generation crisis response services” which include an array of approaches for managing mental health crisis in non-hospital settings.
Registration Information
We encourage you to participate in the whole series, but you will need to register for each event separately.
We recommend you participate via your computer. The audio portion will be broadcast through computer speakers. If you do not have computer speakers available, please email RTP at ahpnet.com<mailto:RTP at ahpnet.com?subject=Alternative%20Audio%20Access%20Requested>. We will provide a toll free telephone number for audio conference.
All events will be closed captioned and recorded for future access.
NAADAC CEHs are now available for this series. For attendees who do not wish to take the NAADAC CEH quiz, certificates of participation will be provided upon request.
Recovery to Practice
490-B Boston Post Road, Sudbury, MA, 01776