[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df/images/70151054-8d21-4156-9fdb-0b28aa9d373d.jpg]<http://inaops.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=82e9587679&e=543e6b4fb7>International Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS)
Peers Educating Peers on the ACA:
Free Webinar Friday, June 10
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iNAPS/Resilience, Inc. Webinar
Friday, June 10
9 AM PDT, 10 AM MDT, 11 AM CDT, 12 Noon EDT
Peers Educating Peers on the Affordable Care Act
Presented by Lori Ashcraft, Gene Johnson and Scott Palluck
Special Edition – – A joint iNAPS / Resilience Inc., Webinar
Hosted by Optum<http://inaops.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=9087da8d2d&e=543e6b4fb7>
A special opportunity to learn about peer support and the Affordable Care Act.
While targeted to Peer and Family Support Specialists in the State of California, the webinar will be open to anyone who would like to learn more about how peer and family supporters are helping people to be better informed about navigating the complexities of the Affordable Care Act system. Learn about a user- friendly training now under development through the SAMHSA-funded Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS TACS) for peer specialists in the state of California.
To learn more about this new initiative, contact Scott Palluck, Director of Operations, E-mail: scott at resilience4u.us<mailto:scott at resilience4u.us>
The Webinar is Free
No Registration Required
5 minutes prior to the start of the webinar, click the button to allow enough time to download the free Optum WebEx application.
(Note: If you have a Windows 10 system, use Chrome or Firefox to access the webinar.
The Edge browser in Windows 10 is not supported.)
To access the webinar by phone only, call 1-763-957-6300 Meeting ID: 646 489 024
To apply for a certificate of attendance for this webinar, join iNAPS (https://inaops.org/join-us/<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=abb875263c&e=543e6b4fb7>).
Once your membership is confirmed, you will have the opportunity to take a brief quiz and then receive a certificate.
Website: www.resilience4u.us<http://inaops.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=27f07d0afc&e=543e6b4fb7>
Collaborating for Unity
Philadelphia is the place to be this summer!
10th Annual National Peer Support Conference
(August 26 and 27, 2016)
View the Preliminary Schedule<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=0f656a9133&e=543e6b4fb7>
With Summer Institutes, Festivals, Symposium, and CPS / CPRP Credit Courses
(August 22-25 and August 28, 2016)
View the Preliminary S<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=a28bc5f22d&e=543e6b4fb7>ummer Institute Catalog<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=0b50dfeb33&e=543e6b4fb7>
Coming Next Week
Updated Conference Schedule
Catalog of Summer Institutes
Locations and Prices Vary
(August 22 through 26, and August 28, 2016)
New Post-Conference Courses are being added to the catalog next week for
Sunday, August 28
(Day Immediately Following the Conference)
Re-certification for CPS and CPRP
Courses in Ethics, Supervision, and other Advanced Skills
2016 Summer Institutes
Held in Philadelphia and surrounding regions
Dates, costs, and locations vary
Contact event organizers for registration information
(Click a link below to email the Institute organizer)
Alliance to Advance Peer Careers<mailto:jwolfds at gmail.com>
Bluebird’s Flying Arts Festival<mailto:gaylebluebird at aol.com>
Copeland Center / Doors to Wellbeing <http://inaops.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=4f53ae8955&e=543e6b4fb7> Peer Generation<mailto:rweiss at copelandcenter.com> (Youth Symposium)<http://inaops.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=082ff4e3d0&e=543e6b4fb7>
DBSA / <http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=4c1a20578c&e=543e6b4fb7> Veteran Peer Supporters Navigating Moral Paradoxes<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=bd55ff6ff7&e=543e6b4fb7>
eCPR<mailto:Laurenspiro1 at gmail.com?subject=eCRP%20Summer%20Institute%20-%20MCCC>
Intentional Peer Support – Core Training<http://inaops.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=97400086c6&e=543e6b4fb7>
Recovery to Practice / Next Steps<mailto:rita.cronise at outlook.com?subject=RTP%20Next%20Steps> – (2 sessions – Forensic and Veteran Only)
Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania – Advocacy 101<mailto:ecoffey at mhasp.org?subject=Advocacy%20101%20Workshop>
PeerZone<mailto:usa at peerzone.info?subject=PeerZone%20Training%20MCCC%20in%20PA>
Pennsylvania Peer Support Coalition – Crisis Peer Support<mailto:dave at papsc.org?subject=Crisis%20Peer%20Support%20at%20MCCC>
Prosumers International – Focus for Life<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=5a7e793c42&e=543e6b4fb7>
Riding the Shark: Surviving Personal Catastrophe<mailto:Docsp21 at gmail.com?subject=Riding%20the%20Shark%20Workshop%20-%20August%2025>
Maximizing Partnerships with Peer Support Specialists in the Workforce<mailto:www.AndyBernsteinPhD.com?subject=Maximizing%20Partnerships%20Workshop%20-%20August%2028> <mailto:adbpsy at gmail.com?subject=iNAPS%20Workshop>
RI Consulting / RI International – Facilitating Learning<mailto:terrence.smithers at riinternational.com?subject=Facilitating%20Learning%20Course%20at%20MCCC%20in%20PA>
Temple University Collaborative – The Role of Peer Specialists in Promoting Community Inclusion<mailto:posullivan at temple.edu?subject=Role%20of%20Peer%20Specialists%20in%20Community%20Inclusion>
… Other Institutes are being organized for CPRP / CPS credit….
(Dates and times are subject to change)
Before making non-refundable travel reservations for any of the Summer Institutes, follow the organizer’s guidelines on registration procedures to confirm space is available and the institute will be held on the dates/time scheduled.
Does your Organization Provide Peer Support Services?
The Conference and associated Summer Institutes is a “one of a kind” opportunity to learn from and network with recognized leaders in the peer support movement and others who are working to re-humanize the health care industry by encouraging and supporting values-based growth of the peer support movement.
Recognize your Peers and Peer Supporters
A trip to the National Conference is a great way to recognize and reward the peer supporters in your organization or community who are going “above and beyond” business as usual to support peers.
Visit the 2016 National Conference Page to learn more.<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=325101b58d&e=543e6b4fb7>
Conference Keynote Preview Webinar
Friday July 8, 2016
The Next Optum Sponsored Webinar with iNAPS Conference Featured Speaker
Gayathri Ramprasad
Be the Hope (TED Talk)
Founder and President | ASHA International – You Can Recover<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=d824184b14&e=543e6b4fb7>
See her TED X Talk here<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=bc522fdb85&e=543e6b4fb7>
Learn about the You Can Recover Project
Project Brochure<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=942d213671&e=543e6b4fb7>
Other Webinars
Working as a Peer Specialist Within Managed Care
June 10th, 2016 9 AM PT, 10 AM MT, 11 AM CT, 12 ET
<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=bcb249df99&e=543e6b4fb7>[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df/images/e635f95a-4b4e-4c1a-be8d-2bf399506896.jpg]<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=bcb249df99&e=543e6b4fb7><http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=bcb249df99&e=543e6b4fb7>Mental health is at the forefront of the changing healthcare landscape. Join Optum’s Sue Bergeson for a Workforce Guest Webinar to learn about “Working as a Peer Specialist within Managed Care.”
To learn more: http://www.peerleadershipcenter.or<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=4f1bafdd66&e=543e6b4fb7>g<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=fbed5ae9e8&e=543e6b4fb7>
Click “News” in the upper right corner of the screen.
June 15th, 2016 11-12 a.m. PT and 2-3 p.m. ET
Developing & Implementing Policies & Procedures: Building the Foundation for Your Peer-Run Organization – with Janie Marsh & Sunny Briscoe
It can be difficult to develop and implement policies for your peer-run organization while allowing peer workers flexibility to assist others in their recovery. This webinar will address establishing accountability, fidelity to models, and protections in and for your organization, peer workers, and those served.
REGISTER HERE<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=793f6bffac&e=543e6b4fb7>
More News and Updates
The Key Update – May Issue Available
The Key Update is the free monthly e-
newsletter of the National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse.
For content, reproduction or publication information, please contact Susan Rogers at srogers at mhasp.org<mailto:srogers at mhasp.org> or 800.553.4539 x3812, 267.507.3812 (direct). Follow Susan on Twitter at @SusanRogersMH.
To view the current issue: http://www.mhselfhelp.org/the-key-update-latest<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=41fcab3eff&e=543e6b4fb7>.
iNAPS June Newsletter
Next Issue due the week of June 13
Submit Articles for the next iNAPS Full Newsletter – Deadline extended to June 13, 2016
info at naops.org<mailto:info at naops.org>
Special Opportunity
Have you ever experienced seizures?
iNAPS is looking for peer (and/or family) support providers who also have a lived experience of seizures for a special project.
Contact us at info at naops.org<mailto:info at naops.org> to learn more.
About the International Association of Peer Supporters
The International Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes emerging and best practices in peer support and peer workforce development.
We send regular newsletters and updates to our members and free email subscriber list of 5000, hold regular webinars on topics requested by peer supporters, and host an internationally-attended conference that brings together people in all aspects of the peer support movement.
This year marks the 10th annual conference devoted to peer supporters and the champions of the peer support movement. (http://inaops.org/2016-annual-conference/<http://inaops.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=c3ee267ee8&e=543e6b4fb7>)
Our Mission
Our mission is to grow the profession by promoting the inclusion of peer supporters throughout mental and behavioral health systems worldwide.
iNAPS Free e-Mail List
Our free e-mail list is available for anyone with an interest in peer support or being a champion of the peer support movement. You don’t need to be a member to receive our monthly newsletter and other free mailings (although we do encourage you to join if you find value in the information, education, and outreach we offer!)
There is a link at the bottom of our home page (www.inaops.org<http://inaops.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=afcfdbd08a&e=543e6b4fb7>) to join our free email list.
Share the link with others who would like to sign up for our free email list and receive notifications about free webinars, our annual conference, and other upcoming events of interest in the world of peer support.
Click here to subscribe to our free mailing list. <http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=80eccbcaea&e=543e6b4fb7>
Are you a member of iNAPS?
(Join Now and Take Advantage of “Member Only” Benefits)
By joining iNAPS as a full member ($25 to join and $25 annually), you can receive a discount on the annual peer support conference registration fee, certificates for attending our free webinars, have a vote on future direction and priorities of the organization at the annual member meeting, and be eligible to join special interest groups and communities of practice with nationally-recognized leaders in the peer support movement and become a state or country advisor yourself, as well as receive the good feeling that comes with knowing what you are doing is helping many others be reached and helped through the power of peer support. Membership dues and donations are used toward continuing education of the peer workforce and to ensure regular communication with peer supporters across the U.S. and others in other countries.
A limited number of free memberships have been donated by our members. If you cannot afford $25 per year to join, send a message to our membership committee with “Requesting a Sponsored Membership” in the subject line to membership at naops.org<mailto:membership at naops.org>. Please allow 6-8 weeks for a decision.
Otherwise, to join online or visit: http://inaops.org/join-us<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=4df2d0b1c4&e=543e6b4fb7>
You’ll be glad you did!
Your tax-deductible donation (any amount) to the International Association of Peer Supporters is greatly (and gratefully) appreciated and will go toward our ongoing efforts to educate, promote the inclusion of, and improve conditions for the emerging peer support workforce and those who are being supported through their efforts.
To make an online donation, visit:
Sponsors at the Champion and Leadership Levels<http://inaops.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=380183e989&e=543e6b4fb7> are eligible for promotion on the website, in our program, an exhibit table at the conference (while supplies last), and promotion throughout the conference from the podium. If you are thinking about being a sponsor, click the link below to learn more.
SPONSOR LEVELS AND THANK YOU GIFTS<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=c62af2f50c&e=543e6b4fb7>
At Optum, we’re dedicated to helping
make the health system work better for everyone. <http://inaops.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=a6b99debea&e=543e6b4fb7>
Tell Your Story in High Definition<http://inaops.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=7bd0b5fdd4&e=543e6b4fb7>
Video Production and Post Production<http://inaops.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=930f18880a&e=543e6b4fb7>
Recover Resources
Support our Founder, Steve Harrington
Purchase books, training materials, and more…
Let others know about us!
Share this announcement and continue to spread the word
— peer support inspires hope, reduces stigma, and improves lives.
Copyright (c) 2016 International Association of Peer Supporters, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have communicated with us, participated in one of our events, or were recommended to us by a personal contact as having an interest in the peer support field.
Our mailing address is:
International Association of Peer Supporters
P.O. Box 19265
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Add us to your address book<http://inaops.us1.list-manage1.com/vcard?u=51b36716b2359e9a96d7ae4df&id=7de3ced174>
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