NYAPRS Note: NYS DOH is assessing the capacity and readiness of the system to enroll people in Health Homes, adequately address the needs of people in the HARP population. and assess and refer eligible participants to HCBS services. If you currently provide care management services, check out the survey monkey below which is due by July 22. For questions, contact Scott Radar at 518 473-5569.
Dear Health Home Community,
Recent efforts to assess CMA Capacity were unfortunately unsuccessful . To better evaluate the capacity of qualified CMHA trained care managers we have developed the survey linked below. The DOH will expect responses from all Care Management Agencies (NYC & ROS) no later than 7/22/16. Once we receive the results, the DOH will share the analysis with Health Home Leadership.
If you have any questions please contact Scott Rader at 518-473-5569. As always thank you for the hard work you do.
Thank You,
Health Home Program
Division of Program Development and Management
New York State Department of Health
Office of Health Insurance Programs
Corning Tower (OCP 720)
Albany, NY 12237
Tel: 518-473-5569