The NYS Department of Health hosted its 2nd Annual DSRIP Statewide Learning Symposium this past week in Syracuse. The conference drew around 600 representatives from the 25 regional Performing Provider Systems that are implementing the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program, an initiative aimed at “promoting community-level collaborations and focus on system reform, specifically a goal to achieve a 25 percent reduction in avoidable hospital use over five years.”
DSRIP learning symposiums are designed to be opportunities for peer to peer information sharing, provide guidance from subject matter experts, and highlight best practices across program participants.
You can find links to many of the presentations at and info about the presenters at
The program offered a plenary opportunity for one panel to describe and urge PPSs to collaborate and contract with community based organizations (CBOs). The panel included Medicaid Matters’ Lara Kassel, the Managed Care Technical Assistance Center’s Andrew Cleek, the Health Foundation for Western & Central New York’s Ann Monroe and NYAPRS’ Harvey Rosenthal.
Attached is a copy of the presentation from our group, along with one describing behavioral health innovations in Binghamton, Queens and the Hudson Valley, the latter featuring a presentation by Access: Supports for Living’s Amy Anderson-Winchell.
In his closing comments to the group, NYS Medicaid Director Jason Helgerson summarized that CBOs were essential to the success of the DSRIP initiative, adding that CBOs had critical important roles to play but are feeling left on the margins of DSRIP collaborations and contracts. He urged the PPS’ to reach out and engage community based organizations.