NYAPRS Note: The following comes from Independent Living’s Doug Hovey on behalf of the National Council on Independent Living who writes “we are calling on you to organize, our allies in the fight to protect the ACA and Medicaid have planned events throughout the State. Please join in with these advocates to amplify the message and bring disability specific messaging to these events!
The Senate is planning to vote on their plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act and make drastic cuts to Medicaid this week. It is essential that the disability community come out strongly in opposition to cuts to Medicaid!
If the Senate’s bill, known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) were to become law, 22 million Americans will lose their care. People with disabilities will lose vital Medicaid coverage which provides essential health care and the supports and services we need to live in the community!
Don’t forget that if this bill passes the Senate, it will go back to the House for a vote. New York has a number of Representatives who voted for the previous health care bill, the AHCA and who would be excellent targets for an action.
Come out in force across New York over the next few days to call for the proposal’s defeat!
Tomorrow Wednesday June 28
4 pm “Save our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, 15 Henry Street, Binghamton
5 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, 130 South Elmwood, Buffalo
5 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, 1 Clinton Square, Albany
5 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, 300 Quarropas Street, White Plains
5:30 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, Foley Square, Manhattan
6 pm “Save Our Healthcare” vigil, Federal building, 100 Federal Plaza, Central Islip
Thursday June 29
10 am, Leafleting, SIUH Health & Information Fair for Seniors, Midland Beach, Jefferson Avenue & Father Capodanno Blvd.
12 pm, “Save our Healthcare Vigil,” Federal Building, 10 Broad Street, Utica
4 pm. Rally, Rep. Stefanik’s office, 136 Glen Street, Glens Falls
Friday June 30
12 pm Rally, Rep. Faso’s office, 721 Broadway, Kingston
12 pm “Keep Your Independence” rally, Rep. Donovan’s office, 7308 13th Avenue, Brooklyn
3 pm Rally, Rep. Faso’s office, 2 Hudson Street, Kinderhook
In addition, go to this site to find additional events http://newyorkersforhealthcare.org