PASS Plans and how they can benefit you! Registration: Date and time: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes Description: This presentation will help educate people on the benefits of using a "Plan to Achieve Self Sufficiency", on developing a work goal and utilizing the PASS to return to work and protect benefits. Many people with disabilities want to work, and you may be one of them. Perhaps you need to go back to school before you can get a job. Or, maybe you'd like to start your own business, but you don't have the money. Whatever your work goal may be, a PASS can help you reach it. A PASS is an SSI work incentive that lets you use your own income or assets to help you reach your work goals. For example, you could set aside money to go to school to get specialized training for a job or to start a business. A plan is meant to help you get items, services, or skills you need to reach your goals. The presenter will be Regina Shoen, Advocacy Specialist II, Office of Consumer Affairs, Office of Mental Health.