Require that Insurers and Health Plans Demonstrate Their Compliance
with Federal and State Mental and Substance Use Parity Laws!
We must continue to send a loud and clear message to Governor Cuomo: New York needs transparency and accountability when it comes to measuring insurers and health plans’ compliance with federal and state MH/SUD parity laws! To do so, he must sign A.3694-C by December 22, 2018, which incidentally falls on the day Timothy’s Law, New York’s parity law, was signed in 2006.
As New York confronts an epidemic related to opioids and significant increase in suicides, we cannot let insurers, health plans and behavioral health management companies continue to avoid the requirements of the federal and state MH/SUD parity laws. The only way to bring about the change we need and to shine a light on the practices of insurers and health plans is to enact A.3694-C! Parity is a critical lynchpin in maintaining and enhancing access to care!
We appreciate all you have done heretofore, but are urging the following action every day this week:
(1) Call the Governor’s office with the script below to register your support; AND
(2) Tweet Governor Cuomo the following messages:
We need #ParityReportingNow @NYGovCuomo
Please sign A.3694-C Today!
We need #TransparencyonTimothysLawCompliance
Please sign A.3694-C Today!
Take five minutes to call the Governor’s office TODAY at (518) 474-8390
(press 2 to speak directly to a staffer) and share the following message
“I’m a registered voter from (your locality) calling to urge Gov Cuomo to sign A.3694-C into law, to provide New Yorkers with the strongest mental health and substance use treatment parity compliance reporting measures in the nation.”
or send an email: