NYAPRS Note: In 2002, New York’s Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council (MISCC) was established and charged with “ensuring that New Yorkers of all ages with physical, intellectual, developmental, and mental disabilities receive care and services in the most integrated settings appropriate to their individual needs.”
The MISCC is intended to play a key leadership role in the development of a state Olmstead Plan that will identify specific measurable goals around housing, employment, transportation, and community engagement and other domains that will lead to an accountable assessment of Executive and State agency efforts in these areas as they effect the full spectrum of New Yorkers with disabilities.
This ‘Pathway to a Plan’ panel will provide an introduction to New York’s new Chief Disability Officer Kim Hill, a review of other notable state Olmstead plans by national expert Kevin Martone, CEO of the Technical Assistance Collaborative and review efforts to date by MISCC subcommittees on Deinstitutionalization and Community Supports by Independent Living’s Doug Hovey and Employment by NYAPRS’s Len Statham and the Department of Labor’s Alan Gallagher.