Alliance Note: The Legislature has begun negotiations with the Governor on the final budget now that each house has released their proposals. We continue to advocate for needed investments in mental health, substance use, and trauma related services as the negotiations heat up. Our top priority is securing an unrestricted 3.2% COLA.
While The Alliance and other statewide advocates are very appreciative of the Legislature’s commitment to providing the needed COLA, both houses’ proposals did not make the funding flexible enough to cover rising costs associated with operating programs, such as health insurance, building maintenance, and food.
We are calling on the NYS Legislature and Governor to remove the restrictions and provide a non-restrictive 3.2% COLA in the final budget agreement. Please join our efforts by sending your legislators a message calling for an unrestricted COLA. The budget process may move very quickly this year, so we need to act fast. Use the link below to send these messages today! See below to read a statement released by statewide Behavioral Health Advocates explaining the need for changes to the proposed COLA language.
Click Here to Tell Your Legislators We Need a Flexible 3.2% COLA in the Final Budget!