Alliance Note: Don’t miss our Alliance’s 20th Annual Executive Seminar, entitled ‘Seizing the Opportunity: Cultivating Resilience and Innovation’ to be held on April 25-2 at the Downtown Albany Hilton! This year’s program has been especially designed to assist executive teams to address some of today’s most pressing issues, offering new information and analysis on the state’s 1115 Medicaid Waiver from the Department of Health’s Director of the Division of Program Development and Management Trisha Schell-Guy and nationally acclaimed expert Jason Helgerson, exploring rapidly expanding roles for community health workers and detailing strategies to advance the transformational impact of peer support, address social disparities and promote organizational and financial health.
In a landscape marked by workforce shortages, funding challenges, and rising demands, Lonetta Albright will introduce attendees to the proven impact of embracing a growth mindset that has proven to be a game-changer in addressing major obstacles like these, proving the inspiration and information to reinvigorate leaders to propel their organizations forward.
Secure your spot now and take advantage of our early bird special
—just $199 until the end of March!
Register Now: