The NYS Legislature and Governor are close to finalizing this year’s state budget. There is no guarantee the Daniel’s Law First Responder pilot funding proposed by the legislature will remain in the final budget. We must use the limited time we have to increase our demands for pilot funding and let our legislative leaders and the Governor know how critical this is to New Yorkers experiencing mental health, substance use, and trauma related challenges. Daniel’s brother, Joe Prude, has worked with the Daniel’s Law Coalition and our legislative champions Senator Samra Brouk and Assemblymember Harry Bronson to create the following release urging the legislature and governor to include funding for pilots in this year’s budget.
We need you to use the link below to send a version of this release to your state representatives, the legislature’s leaders, and Governor Hochul. You can add a personal message to express why this is particularly important to you. Send messages and share with others who are interested today! See below to read the statement.
Send Lawmakers Joe Prude’s Letter Pushing for Daniel’s Law Pilot Funding!