Alliance Note: The Alliance firmly believes that employment is central to the recovery journey. Meaningful work not only provides financial stability but also fosters a sense of purpose and self-worth. The New York Employment Services System (NYESS) is helping to improve employment outcomes for people in recovery. Jf you’re not part of their work, please join them as we make employment the cornerstone of recovery!
Let’s Put Employment at the Center of Recovery!
The New York Employment Services System (NYESS) is a collaboration between NYS OMH and NYS DOL, and seeks to improve employment outcomes for New Yorkers of all abilities. NYESS is a resource for all subjects related to employment and disability, with a particular focus navigating public benefits while working, financial literacy, employment as a social determinant of health, the benefits of working for people with mental illness, systems collaboration, Ticket-to-Work, and data infrastructure.
If you are a provider and would like to discuss the benefits of becoming a NYESS Provider Affiliate, in whatever capacity makes sense for you and the folks you serve, simply email NYESS resources and participation is free, and our provider affiliates tend to sign up to use our collaborative employment services case management system, and to deliver Ticket-to-Work employment services, which is an additional way for NY providers to generate revenue, often for work that’s already being done. Anyone can access our resources and tools online at
The NYESS team is always available to discuss what we do and how to help, whether it be with a job seeker, a family, or a provider. Employment is recovery!