The CORE Peer Navigator Project is a statewide initiative that provides peer support while connecting individuals to mental health resources and community services of their choice.
For people who are discovering recovery and all its possibilities, a call to the Navigator Line at 855-PEERNAV (855-733-7628) can offer the supports needed as they work toward success. One call connects them to a peer to assist in identifying goals and accessing Community Oriented Recovery and Empowerment (CORE) Services to help meet those goals. The Peer Navigator will support them throughout the referral, engagement, and service delivery process.
- Who Can Call: People with mental health, substance use, or trauma-related related challenges age 21 and over insured by managed Medicaid
- What to Expect: A Navigator Line Specialist will answer each call and discuss if the project is a good fit for the caller. If so, they will be connected to a Peer Navigator in their region.
- What is a Peer Navigator: A Peer Navigator is a person with lived experience of mental health and/or addiction related recovery who is now an expert in CORE Services. They will explore the caller’s personal recovery goals and then link them to services of their choice. Support is provided throughout exploration of services, referral, engagement in services and beyond.
- How: Peer Navigators can connect with individuals via text, phone call, Zoom, or in-person.
- Toll-free Number: 1-855-PEERNAV (1-855-733-7628)
- E-mail: PeerNav@rightsandrecovery.org